Monday, June 27

Manhattan state of mind

One of the few comics I have on close to pre-order at Amazon is DMZ by Brian Wood, following the trials and tribulations of journalistic-hopeful Matthew Roth inside the hot-zone of Manhattan (the DMZ - civil war more or less rages in and across the US)

So reading the interviews over at Live from the DMZ is both great and a little sad, since it is in a way counting down to the end of the series (issue 72 in december). Volume ten of the trades just came out (and is making it way in my direction really soon), and if you haven't read any the first trade used is less than a latte at $3.35 right now in the affiliate box ;D

Interesting concept as well - a DVD style commentary to supplement each trade, giving room for more in depth than the normal page or two of intro in the printed edition.

The other mainstay of my comic diet, Freakangels, is also winding down - just a few more 'issues' to go. Being a webcomic has made the interaction and commentary directly available, with the Whitechapel Forum "to discuss this week's installment." creating a community along the way.

Side note of the post; the site is based on tumblr - a really good alternative for small and quick set-ups. Just like here on blogger you can adjust the template and add inn additionally custom html and css, but the post-types, dashboard, app and tablet (iPad) use takes things to another level.

Also the API looks like a real 'killer' for reusing tumblr content in a larger editorial setting (such as a full scale CMS)... just saying (and playing for now)