Monday, June 4

Misty eyed

Quick post - and a bit of poetic ramblings to go on before we call it a night

Wired 19.02 had a list of terms for the underworld, or hell - and one just jumped out at me;

Mist of Darkness

2. Pet 2:17 - Guessing not a pet, but a biblical reference - so that's something to go on... and with google that was more than enough:

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.) [1]
These are wells without water, clouds that are carried with a tempest; to whom the mist of darkness is reserved for ever.

So much more vibrant than a lot of the later 'translations' of the text. It paints an image or three. Of despair. Longing and suffering. Unrest. And at the same time loss.

- ...and the sun can't follow where we are bound to go- into the darkness, and then beyond, onwards, downwards, to the other side...