Tuesday, May 14

I think I think you are

In the eleventh century St Anselm of Canterbury proposed that it was possible to prove the existence of God using reason alone
Despite the blog laxing a bit, I've been backfeeding the draft pile - and one nice source for inspiration in general is the show "In Our Time" 
It is truly #mindporn ... a weekly discussion and review of a subject, with 3 or 4 world class scholars sharing their insights, the latest research and generally having a good time.

The quote up above is from the show on the Ontological argument through the ages. spend 40 minutes listening, or read up a bit from wikipedia.

Perfection and existence 

Does the idea of perfection imply that it must exist?
And is that - by definition - divinity, namely God?

Why? Why not?

soundtracking; Madonna doing "Imagine" - a seldom foray into the album archive