Saturday, May 11

Show me the likes!

A great Dilbert strip - the some expert.

Various and vague? How can that possibly go wrong? And just to clarify, it is not a dig at any specific people, more the attitude of "hire someone to do something so that you can say that you are doing something". Be it web, wap, web 2.0, mobile, social, big data and so on.

Somehow it seems that there are three cultures in terms of "buzz" handling;

  1. explain it to me - why do we need a website, we go mobile first - handholding more than anything
  2. oooh shiny - or everybody else is doing it (or saying they are), we should to - no goals, no metrics or KPIs, just taking action is seen as enough
  3. just do it - we don't need to shout about it, but we do it, step by step, learning, iterating and moving on

Where does your business fall, and does it depend on the wave or stay constant time and time again?

Dilbert, 09.30.2012 - (c) Scott Adams

[srcvia Dilbert Daily Strip - originally September 30th, 2012